Science targets table

MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the

The Mission summaries include a table of science targets taken from the mission planning endeavors. Names have been assigned to areographic features by the MSL Curiosity and MER Spirit and Opportunity rover teams for planning and operations purposes. The names are not formally recognized by the International Astronomical Union.

What's in the table

mission specific


The science targets table for Curiosity rover includes these columns:


The contact science targets table for Opportunity and Spirit rovers includes these columns:


Filtering and sorting the table

Some table columns can be filtered and sorted by clicking on the symbol in the column header and selecting from the available options. For example, you can sort a column in ascending or descending order. You might be interested in viewing rows after sol 1000, in which case you would select "Greater Than" and enter "1000" as the value before clicking the Filter button at the bottom (see the figure below).

To return the table to its original state, you can undo your sorting and filtering options, or simply click the "Reset table" button in the toolbar at the top of the window.

see also